![]() The Nexus Award is a part of the AMM's commitment to strengthening the medical publishing industry. By setting a standard and recognizing those who exceed it, the AMM endeavors to inspire others and reinforce the value of journal advertising. To receive the Nexus Award is to be recognized among the elite in service, professionalism, and communication.
![]() On Wednesday, May 17th at 5PM the AMM community will gather together at the Liberty House to celebrate the best of the best sales representatives. New this year, we will offer transportation from Philadelphia and New York City. Year after year, we hear from attendees how much they enjoy being together at the Nexus Awards Ceremony. The professional relationships strengthened and joy of being together with good people. The smiles from the 2022 Photography sponsored by Audience Synergy say it all. Make sure you register for the May 17th event.
REGISTER FOR SPONSORSHIPS AND TICKETSJoin our list of 2023 sponsors. Learn more. TRANSPORTATIONNew for the Nexus Awards in 2023, the AMM is offering transportation to and from the Liberty House in Jersey City. We heard you that the venue is beautiful but presents some travel challenges. With thanks to our transportation sponsors - the American Medical Association and Haymarket Media - we have three different coaches:
All buses will leave at the conclusion of the event at 9pm. We ask that you fill out this form ONLY if you intend to take advantage of the sponsored transportation to attend Nexus at the Liberty House. We are asking for advance registration so that we can make certain to accommodate the right number of people, as space is limited. Once you fill out this form, we will take care of the rest. If you run into any snags or have any questions, email [email protected].
THE NEXUS SALES REP OF THE YEAR AWARDS PROCEDURESRound 1 for PUBLISHERS, REP FIRMS, AND INDEPENDENTS has closed! Media Channel Partners, for the second year in a row, helped build the list of nominees. They were invited to nominate one sales rep from their company for this prestigious long-standing award. Since 1993, 46 of the best of the best sales reps from across 20+ companies have been bestowed the honor of being a Nexus Award winner. HERE ARE THE RULES:
Round 2 for MEDIA. The Ballot has been distributed on March 31st! After the nominees have been verified, a ballot that includes the list of nominees will be sent to the media community. Members of the media community have the opportunity to vote for one person in each of the three categories. There will be a place to write in two sales reps who are not included in the previously noted nominees. As has been done in the past, a blind list of the top vote getters in each category will be shared to a panel of judges to select the winners. We implemented this change to the nomination process last year and it was very well received. For this part, we will follow the traditional process of distributing a ballot to the media community. Media will vote on the nominees set in Part 1. If a voter does not see their candidate already listed, they will have the opportunity for a write in. The completed ballots will be calculated by the AMM staff and shared as blind data for the judge review and selection of the winners.