Membership Categories & Dues

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Full Member
Organizations eligible to apply for membership in this category must publish one or more media brands, (e.g., publications, journals, websites, newsletters, broadcast channels or programs) directed to a professional medical/HCP audience and meet each of the following:


  • The basic editorial or programming content must be oriented to an audience of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, dentists, healthcare administrators, or other health care professionals.
  • Advertising, funding or sponsorship must be open to and solicited from all qualified advertisers.
  • The reach of each media vehicle must be verified by an outside source and made available, upon request to current and/or potential advertisers.
  • A business entity must join the Association for all media brands which it or any wholly owned subsidiary owns and which meets their requirements set forth in sub-paragraphs 1-3 above.


Full members shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership, including without limitation the right to vote on all matters submitted to a vote of the members of the Association.

Full members have the right to be nominated for and serve on the Board of Directors and hold voting privileges

Attendance at AMM educational programs (excludes social events) is covered for all individuals employed by the member company through their membership dues.

Full members are eligible to take advantage of sponsorship opportunities at the member rate


Full Member Dues:

Dues are based on each organization’s total (domestic) revenue from all professional advertising/promotion activities.

Tier 1: >15 mil/Maximum: $19,500 per year

Tier 2: 10-15 Mil: $13,500 per year

Tier 3: <10 Mil: $6,500 per year


NOTE: If applying for Full Membership, dues are self-reported and based on the honor system. The organization’s dues level will remain confidential. AMM reserves the right to review dues levels for accuracy and make adjustments if necessary.

 Media Agencies

Organizations actively engaged in evaluating and/or buying advertising and other special media which is targeted to physicians, nurse practitioners, physicians assistants, pharmacists, dentists, healthcare administrators, or other healthcare professionals are eligible to apply for membership in this category.

Media Agency members shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of full membership, including without limitation the right to vote on all matters submitted to a vote of the members of the Association.

Media Agency Dues: Complimentary

 Affiliate Member

Organizations that provide products or services to the medical media publishing industry are eligible to apply for membership in this category. Eligible organizations may include, but are not limited to, research companies, technology vendors, media measurement companies, independent rep firms, and others.

Affiliate members shall be entitled to vote on all matters submitted to a vote of the members of the Association.

Affiliate members have the right to be nominated for and serve on the Board of Directors and hold voting privileges

Attendance at AMM educational programs (excludes social events) is covered for all individuals employed by the member company through their membership dues.

Affiliate members are eligible to take advantage of sponsorship opportunities at the member rate

Affiliate Member Dues: $5,000 per year

 Individual Member

Individuals who are currently unaffiliated with any organization or individuals with 1-3 years in the healthcare vertical and employed by an organization with a total (domestic) revenue of less than $1 million are eligible to apply for membership in this category.

Individual membership is limited to one individual per particular company (First come, first served).

Individual membership is non-transferable. 

Individual members are not entitled to vote on Association matters, nor able to serve on the Board of Directors.

Individual members are eligible to serve on committees at the discretion of the committee chair(s).

Individual members are entitled to attend events at the member rate.

Individual Member Dues: $750 per year